本文最后更新于 1047 天前,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
DATABASE ds GLOBALS "../../config/top.global" DEFINE g_curs_index LIKE type_file.num10 DEFINE g_row_count LIKE type_file.num10 DEFINE g_imas INTEGER DEFINE g_ima INTEGER DEFINE g_sure STRING DEFINE g_ima121 INTEGER DEFINE g_ima122 INTEGER DEFINE g_ima123 INTEGER MAIN OPTIONS INPUT NO WRAP DEFER INTERRUPT IF (NOT cl_user()) THEN EXIT PROGRAM END IF WHENEVER ERROR CALL cl_err_msg_log IF (NOT cl_setup("AZZ")) THEN EXIT PROGRAM END IF CALL cl_used(g_prog,g_time,1) RETURNING g_time OPEN WINDOW p_zz_w WITH FORM "azz/42f/p_test" ATTRIBUTE(STYLE=g_win_style CLIPPED) CALL cl_ui_init() LET g_action_choice = "" DISPLAY base.Application.getProgramName() TO name INITIALIZE g_imas TO NULL LET g_sure="N" CALL test_menu() CLOSE WINDOW p_zz_w CALL cl_used(g_prog,g_time,2) RETURNING g_time #No:MOD-580088 HCN 20050818 #No.FUN-6A0096 END MAIN FUNCTION test_count() WHILE TRUE INITIALIZE g_ima121 TO NULL INITIALIZE g_ima122 TO NULL INITIALIZE g_ima123 TO NULL CLEAR FORM MESSAGE '' DISPLAY g_sure TO s123 INPUT g_ima121,g_ima122 FROM ima121,ima122 LET g_ima123=g_ima121+g_ima122 LET g_ima=g_ima123 IF INT_FLAG THEN MESSAGE "crash!!" LET INT_FLAG = 0 EXIT WHILE END IF LET g_imas=g_ima DISPLAY g_ima121 TO ima121 DISPLAY g_ima122 TO ima122 DISPLAY g_ima123 TO ima123 IF g_ima123 IS NULL THEN CONTINUE WHILE ELSE MESSAGE "count successfully!!" ATTRIBUTE (YELLOW) END IF EXIT WHILE END WHILE END FUNCTION FUNCTION test_menu() MENU "" BEFORE MENU CALL cl_navigator_setting(g_curs_index, g_row_count) ON ACTION insert LET g_action_choice="insert" CALL test_count() ON ACTION query LET g_action_choice="query" ON ACTION sure CALL test_sure() ON ACTION modify LET g_action_choice="modify" IF g_sure MATCHES "[Y]" THEN MESSAGE "can't not change" ELSE CALL test_sq() END IF ON ACTION invalid LET g_action_choice="invalid" ON ACTION exit LET g_action_choice = "exit" EXIT MENU ON ACTION controlg CALL cl_cmdask() ON ACTION locale CALL cl_dynamic_locale() CALL cl_show_fld_cont() #No:FUN-550037 hmf ON IDLE g_idle_seconds CALL cl_on_idle() CONTINUE MENU ON ACTION about #MOD-4C0121 CALL cl_about() #MOD-4C0121 COMMAND KEY(INTERRUPT) LET INT_FLAG=FALSE #MOD-570244 mars LET g_action_choice = "exit" EXIT MENU ON ACTION related_document #No:MOD-470515 LET g_action_choice="related_document" END MENU END FUNCTION FUNCTION test_sq() MESSAGE '' LET g_imas=0 IF g_ima MATCHES "[0]" OR g_ima IS NULL THEN MESSAGE "!g_ima123=0" ELSE LET g_ima121=g_ima LET g_ima122=g_ima LET g_imas=g_ima121*g_ima122 DISPLAY g_ima121 TO ima121 DISPLAY g_ima122 TO ima122 DISPLAY g_imas TO ima123 LET g_ima=g_imas END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION test_sure() IF g_sure="N" THEN IF g_imas IS NULL OR g_imas MATCHES "[0]" THEN MESSAGE "g_imas is null !!" ELSE LET g_sure="Y" DISPLAY g_sure TO s123 MESSAGE '' END IF ELSE MESSAGE "Have been identified!" END IF END FUNCTION
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